Sustainability E-Training
for Directors

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In partnership with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA), this Sustainability E-Training for Directors programme is designed for listed company directors to be equipped with an overview of sustainability and highlights the relevance of sustainability reporting for listed issuers on the Singapore Exchange (SGX).

Programme Overview

With the rising importance and pressure to combat climate change and having companies to be Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) responsible, SGX has made the move to mandate climate-related disclosures from financial year 2022. Climate-related disclosure rules were announced in December 2021 after a public consultation. All listed companies must provide disclosures on a ‘comply or explain’ basis in their sustainability reports for financial years (FY) starting on or after 1 January 2022 and issued in 2023 or later. 

The Sustainability E-Training for Directors programme is a prescribed course that directors may attend to fulfil the new SGX requirements with regard to director’s training on sustainability. This programme provides an insight to enhance directors’ understanding of sustainability reporting and the balancing of financial and non-financial ESG pressures from its stakeholders and the environment.

The programme will be administered via a Learning Management Platform. Participant can access at their own time and pace within 6 months validity period.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Sustainability Reporting Regime
  2. Assessment of Material ESG factors
  3. Sustainability Reporting Frameworks
  4. Governance Structure and Board Responsibilities on Sustainability matters
  5. Stakeholder Engagement Process
  6. Incorporation of ESG Risks and Opportunities within the issuer’s business and strategy
  7. Impact and Importance of Climate Change
  8. Guidance on Climate Reporting, including identification of climate-related risks and conduct of scenario analysis
  9. Emerging Trends and Developments in the sustainability space
  10. Other relevant aspects of sustainability, such as biodiversity, diversity and human rights

Course participants will be issued the Certificate in Sustainability for Directors with 4 CPE hours upon successful completion of the E-Training.

Participants will have to complete end of course MCQ assessment to reinforce learning objectives.

About the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)

The Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) is the national accountancy body of Singapore. ISCA’s vision is to be a world-class accountancy body of trusted professionals, contributing towards an innovative and sustainable economy. There are over 33,000 ISCA members making their stride in businesses across industries in Singapore and around the world. ISCA is the Designated Entity to confer the Chartered Accountant of Singapore – CA (Singapore) – designation and a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide.

ISCA is headed by the Council, which sets the direction for the Institute’s development and oversees its operations as a whole. The composition of the Council reflects the diversity and vibrancy of the Institute’s members. The Council comprises leaders from the corporate sector, the public accounting profession and academia. They bring with them unique insights, wide-ranging experiences, and extensive industry networks to support ISCA in reaching greater heights in a rapidly changing business landscape.